Working With Talented Professionals
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Working With Talented Professionals

Saving money for a down payment on a home is no easy feat, which is why I started looking into various ways to make sure that I had things sorted out like I should. I began working with a real estate agent to chat about what to do and how to start saving, and they explained how much I needed if I wanted to avoid private mortgage insurance, and when the market typically trended upwards. It was really neat for me to see everything I could do with the advice, and saving became easier after I had a clear goal. Find out more about real estate by reading this blog.


Working With Talented Professionals

Tips On Finding The Right Licensed Residential Land Brokers In Your City

Cathy Frazier

You might be in the market to buy some land. This could be in a rural area or perhaps you want to buy existing land in the heart of your city. Buying land is different than buying a house, with its own complications and regulations that must be followed. 

If you haven't purchased land before, you first need to think about what you want to place on that land. Is it for a single-family residential house? Or perhaps you want to build a larger duplex or apartment building on site? 

Before you hire a broker to help you buy the land, here are some tips on finding licensed residential land brokers in your city.

Find A Buyer's Broker

Some people will work with whoever the listing agent is for the piece of land they are interested in. This can be a mistake. As is the case when buying a house, the listed agent will be working for the seller to get the best price possible and won't necessarily have your best interests at heart.

Instead, look for licensed residential land brokers that work with buyers. This way you can be assured your broker is working on your behalf to ensure you not only get the best price but knows the zoning on the land and if you are legally able to build residential properties on it.

They also have access to other experts like land surveyors, inspectors, and even lenders that can help you ensure that any land you want to purchase is right for your purposes.

You Can Negotiate Their Commission

You might find some licensed residential land brokers are firm on what commission they will charge. This could be due to the number of services they offer and their years of experience. You will also find that many brokers will negotiate on their commission, especially if the land price is higher than in a typical transaction.

They may be willing to lower their percentage point because the land price will net them a good commission either way. It's a good idea to ask whether or not a land broker is willing to negotiate their commission before you hire them.

Smaller Brokers Might Offer Better Service

You might wonder whether or not you should choose a larger licensed residential land broker firm or whether a smaller, boutique style is better suited to you.

While larger brokers are able to handle a lot of clients and have great websites with lots of listings, you might not get the same personalized treatment that you would from a smaller firm.

It will depend on what you expect from your land broker, but sometimes smaller brokers offer better and more personalized service than a larger one does.
